
BEM Services worked with JN Bently to design and develop a compressed air system design for a plant refurbishment at a Rolls Royce site in Derby. The project will see the replacement of the existing compressors and addition/ upgrading of compressed air treatment within the plantroom. This also included the exhaust ductwork system design, electrical system, and control design.

The project started off with BEM Services attending a meeting in Derby, this also consisted of a site walk around to see what we were dealing with.  Discussion of proposals with the project manager allowed us to get an understanding of what was wanted from the client. Where required within the ongoing design phase we liaised with the project manager to ensure our design met the very stringent requirements of the client.

Back at the office we calculated the exact requirements for the flow rates of wet and dry compressed air and power required for the machines.  Sizing the required compressed air pipe sizes were carried out based on BCAS guidelines and equipment catalogues were followed to size the condensate drainage pipes.  CIBSE guides B & C were used to size the exhaust ductwork and to carry out failure analysis.  To help with the design, we used 3D design software (Revit), this would allow us to know exactly how everything would fit and knowing where pipe runs would lead to.  The 3D model allowed us to maintain minimum maintenance spaces between equipment.

Due to the level of details involved, the design that involved multiple options analysis and multiple revisions of the final design to meet with evolving client/ site requirements had been going on for over a year.  During that time, our specification, calculations, and drawings were produced in three dimensions and delivered to the client to allow the project to go ahead and for work to commence.  Delivery of our work is always on time as the project managers had to present these drawings to the clients who wanted to get work underway.  Delays in delivery could impact sales and the production of blades which could cost hundreds of thousands of pounds, especially for a company of Rolls Royce’s standard.

If you require assistance with construction-level design or detailed mechanical design for your project, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us directly. You can reach us via email at info@bem-services.co.uk or by calling 0115 7788227.  We look forward to the opportunity to assist you with your projects.